API Reference¶
- class cirun.Cirun(token=None)[source]¶
Cirun Client to interact to cirun’s API
- add_repo_to_resources(org, repo, resources, teams=None, roles=None, users=None, users_from_json=None, policy_args=None)[source]¶
Creates a Pull request in the <org>/.cirun repository updating the .access.yml to grant access to specified resources for a repository within an organization, with constraints for teams, roles, users, users_from_json, policy_args.
- orgstr
The GitHub organization name.
- repostr
The name of the repository to which resources are to be added.
- resourceslist of str
A list of resource identifiers to grant access to.
- teamslist of str, optional
Teams to grant access to the resources.
- roleslist of str, optional
Roles to grant access to the resource, i.e. users with specified roles will have access to the resources.
- userslist of str, optional
Users to grant access to the resources.
- users_from_jsonstr, optional
Users specified via a JSON URL
- policy_argsdict, optional
Additional policy arguments, such as {“pull_request”: True} to enforce specific policies on access.
- requests.Response
The response object from the API after attempting to add access.
- CirunAPIException
If the API call fails with an error status code.
- cloud_connect(name, credentials, print_error=False)[source]¶
Connect a new cloud provider to Cirun.
This method integrates a specified cloud provider with Cirun by providing the necessary credentials. Once connected, the cloud provider can be used to create GitHub Actions runners.
- name: str
Name of cloud provider
- credentials: str
Cloud Credentials
- dict:
Response json
- CirunAPIException
If the API call fails and print_error is False.
- clouds(print_error=False)[source]¶
Retrieve all cloud providers connected to Cirun.
This method fetches the list of cloud providers that have been integrated with Cirun (have credentials added to cirun).
- print_errorbool, optional
If set to True, errors encountered during the API call will be printed. Default is False.
- dict
A dictionary containing information about connected cloud providers.
- CirunAPIException
If the API call fails and print_error is False.
- get_repo_resources(org, repo)[source]¶
Retrieve the list of resources that a repository has access to within an organization.
This method parses the access control configuration to determine which resources the specified repository is permitted to access based on its assigned policies.
- orgstr
The GitHub organization name.
- repostr
The repository name whose accessible resources are to be retrieved.
- list of str or None
A list of resource identifiers that the repository has access to, or None if access control configuration is not found.
- KeyError
If the repository does not have an associated policy in the access control configuration.
- remove_repo_from_resources(org, repo, resources)[source]¶
Creates a Pull request in the <org>/.cirun repository updating the .access.yml to revoke access to specified resources for a repository within an organization.
- org: str
GitHub Organization
- repo: str
GitHub Repository
- resources: List[str]
List of resources
- set_repo(name, active=True, print_error=False, installation_id=None)[source]¶
Activate or deactivate a repository for Cirun.
This method allows you to enable or disable a repository’s integration with Cirun. When activating a repository, it can also handle the installation of the Cirun GitHub App if an installation_id is provided and GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable is set.
- name: str
Repository name
- active: bool
to activate,False
otherwise. Default isTrue
- installation_id: int
Cirun App’s Installation ID for the Organization